
Men In Black Game Free Download


Men In Black past SouthPeak is a game that I experience can unfortunately exist added to a list of "not so corking accomplishments." A decent set of graphics are weighed down by a so-and so story and disruptive gameplay. I would accept to say that Men In Black is a far cry from the fast-paced, heady activeness/adventure game I was hoping for. While I take non seen the moving-picture show, it is my understanding that this game follows the same theme. Using characters to represent Agent K, Amanuensis J, and Agent L, you lot are able to choose which one you would similar to exist (I happened to like the Tommy Lee Jones expect-alike) to consummate your missions. Basically, your missions are to save the world from aliens, or in other words, "to protect Earth from the Scum of the Universe."


I found Men In Black to be an extremely frustrating game to play -- not quite an all-out, knock-'em-down action game, and nowhere about an obsessive adventure game -- Men In Blackness lies somewhere in the lukewarm, murky heart. When I play a game, I similar to be able to make choices, even if they are the wrong ones and I accept to live with the consequences. Subsequently all, isn't that what a save function is for? This game doesn't allow y'all to make choices. Eventually I found myself trying harder and harder to exercise what I wanted to practise rather than playing the game.

Hither are some examples: The chase is on. I'm running down a burn escape to grab the bad guys (they're shooting at me, of class). All of a sudden, I can't become down the fire escape any more than -- am I stuck? No. Is the fire escape blocked? No. Am I supposed to jump off the burn down escape where it is broken rather than continue on down? Yep, that answer's a winner, but non considering it makes any sense.

Another example: I am running close to a cliff (cautiously, of class, trying to avoid falling off) when suddenly I realize that I'one thousand in no danger, considering I can't fall off. I so attempt wholeheartedly to commit game suicide with no satisfactory results. These are but a couple of examples that bespeak out that this game can only be played a certain mode, with very little departure from the scripted game sequence.

This game seemed to attempt just a little too hard to be an all-out activeness game, ofttimes stepping a little besides far into the outrageous for its ain expert. While in most games information technology'south generally cool to shoot the "bad" commandos, the mutants from space and the foreign sea creatures, I found it to be in bad taste that in order to gain some cool stuff in this game, yous need to shoot a shop keeper who's just doing his job, or a priest who is asking you to respect the dead.

I did discover one office of this game to concur my attention and be enjoyable, and that was the target shooting gallery. I had a slap-up fourth dimension trying out new weapons, and even though it took me a while to learn that not every target was supposed to be shot at, I did manage to persevere and actually scored quite well.


Men In Blackness has some pretty cool ideas for environments, which makes information technology all the more deplorable that they come off as being rather "cheesy." From the Control Centre, to the Chill, the Amazon, and Skip Frale'southward Estate, the ideas were rather exciting. I only wish that I had been immune to explore and see some of the areas that beckoned to be acknowledged. (Besides bad that wasn't role of the master programme; it would have added a lot to the game!)

Role of the trouble I institute was that the angles at which you were looking at the scenery didn't always coincide with your success in shooting. In one part of the game, I was on a dirt road when some guys came at me with guns blazing. I had a hard time killing them considering I was looking down and my perspective was screwed up. So while I was trying to hit them I generally missed, although their perspective must have been fine because they killed me a number of times. It also wasn't easy to get used to the way the scenery would switch abruptly from a distanced view to a close-up. This would usually happen when you moved forrad, but if you lot stepped astern again (to avoid somebody or to see something better) you would be swept to the other view in a dizzying fashion.


The audio portion of this game was passable, but nothing spectacular. While the background music seemed to fit in well with each surround, I plant that it became a scrap annoying and intrusive after a while. The sound furnishings appeared to lucifer (for the near role) the deportment that were being taken at that time, i.e. running or walking, shooting, climbing ladders, bombs ticking, etc.


The documentation for this game seems to be well thought out and helpful. It is filled with descriptions of the MIB groundwork, weapons, the aliens, controls and even a few tips to go on in mind.

Organisation Requirements

4X CD-ROM drive, P-100, Win 95, 16 MB RAM, 10 MB hard drive space, SoundBlaster sixteen or compatible sound card

Lesser Line

Men In Black was not a game that I got into or even particularly enjoyed. I establish it tedious to play and non set well enough to offer a real claiming to some of the other games on the market. I would non recommend this game to whatever serious gamers and would think twice earlier recommending it to a beginner. Its tendency toward linear gameplay and its lack of reward for artistic solutions, together with its frustrating control limitations, earn MIB a score of 53.

Download Men In Black: The Game


System requirements:

  • PC compatible
  • Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP


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