
How To Change Terminal Color Of Current Path Mac

If yous spend whatsoever fourth dimension in Terminal on your Mac, it'southward worth customizing the look and feel of the application. The practiced news is that there are lots of means to customize your Mac's final to exist more productive and efficient.

In this post, we testify you some of the most interesting ways yous can customize your Mac'due south Final windows.

Tweaking the Last Theme

Terminal has the born ability to theme up your shell windows, although you may not discover at first glance. To do and then, navigate to the Terminal's Preferences screen.

The Terminal Preferences option.

From here, select the Profiles tab. This section will let you lot accommodate the advent of the Terminal window.

The Terminal Profiles screen.

You're able to change the background and text color, text-rendering options, font sizes and typefaces, the cursor type, selection color, and ANSI colors. The latter is used when a Terminal command displays a colorized output only doesn't appear otherwise.

You'll notice a number of profiles in the menu on the left. You can choose i of these or click the "+" icon at the bottom of the pane to create a new custom profile. Profiles are the containers for your settings, so you may want to create a personal profile before tweaking anything.

The Terminal Plus icon.

When you're set, set up your new primary profile past clicking the Default push. All new Terminal windows will now open with this profile.

You lot tin also open Terminal windows in a specific profile from "Beat out -> New Window," where you can also select a contour.

Choosing a new shell profile.

You tin also import profiles to the Terminal, too, from the menu at the lesser of the Profiles screen.

Importing profiles into the Terminal.

This gives you a way to harmonize your Terminal experience with other versions of the contour in different apps. For instance, your Vim editor, Terminal, and Slack app could all have the same profile and theme installed.

Login Commands

The Last tin run specific commands when a shell window is open up. You can assign these on a per-profile basis, so different profiles execute unique commands.

To do this, select the Shell tab within the Profiles preference pane.

The Shell Tab within the Terminal.

Under Startup, check the "Run Command" box, and so blazon the relevant control you lot want to execute, but leave the "Run inside shell" box checked here.

Adding a Startup Run Command.

This setting will auto-save to the associated profile and run the side by side fourth dimension you open a shell with that profile. To turn off the startup command, simply uncheck the "Run command" box.

Colorizing Your Prompt

By editing the ".zshrc" file, you lot can colorize the Terminal prompt text. This is the stock-still text that appears inside a beat window.

A colored prompt.

To begin, open your ".zshrc" file in the nano editor with the following control:

The Nano editor.

Within the editor, add together a new line that starts with PROMPT=. Your ANSI colour codes and prompt styling will follow on. The full code we have here is:

            PROMPT="%F{cyan}%due north %i~ %# %f"          

To intermission downwardly our instance, we encased the styling in %F and %f to note that we'll utilise a color, and then added a color name in curly braces {cyan}. This can also be a number between 0 and 256.

From at that place, we gave some prompt styling:

  • Show the user name (%n)
  • Brandish the electric current working directory path without the home directory (%1~)
  • Set to show a hash symbol if the user is a root administrator or otherwise prove a percent sign (%#)

There'due south much more y'all can practise hither, and the process is easier than using bash profiles as per previous Final versions.

Colorize and Format Last Text

You can also format typed text in the Concluding using profile settings or beat commands direct in the prompt.

To attach a text color to a contour, apply the text color setting in the "Profiles -> Text" screen of the Terminal preferences.

The text formatting options within the Terminal.

To color text on a temporary basis, you encase text inside double quotes and utilize the printf command:

            printf            "\east[31mHello Earth\due east[0m\n"          

Let's pause this down:

  • \east escapes the not-press characters
  • [31m is the color code for carmine text
  • Hi World is our string literal
  • \e[0m clears formatting so the new text does not announced colorized
  • \due north prints a new line

If you want the text to continue to appear colorized, leave off the \e[0m . To end formatting, print \e[0m to standard output with printf.

Printed text with a temporary color.

You can too utilize the same ANSI codes from earlier and become into greater depth when it comes to your prompt formatting.

Change the Terminal Window Title

By default, Final will evidence the present working directory, active process, and viewport size in your Terminal window's championship bar.

The Terminal Title Bar.

You tin change this from the "Profile -> Window" tab of Terminal's Preferences.

The Terminal's Window settings.

Y'all can adjust the settings nether the Title section and see the results inside any open up shell windows running your electric current profile. The aforementioned wide settings tin also be found within the Tab screen in instance you desire to replicate your settings for multiple open tabs.

Wrapping Up

Making the Concluding your ain is a bang-up way to personalize your experience and become more efficient and productive. In fact, there'southward much more than you can do to customize your Mac's Terminal, and this mail showcases the greatest hits.

With a Terminal tailored to your specific requirements, you could run the whole of your computer from the Terminal or even update your Mac from the Terminal. Volition you use the Concluding more if y'all are able to customize information technology? Let us know in the comments section below!

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